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    Bambu Lab Hardened Steel Extruder Unit - X1 Series

    Sesebelisoa sa Bambu Lab

    Bambu Lab Hardened Steel Extruder Unit - X1 Series


    • The Hardened Steel Extruder Unit e na le likere tse habeli tse entsoeng ka tšepe e thata. Li-gear tsena li etselitsoe ho fana ka matla a eketsehileng a extrusion, ho thibela ho thella, le ho matlafatsa khanyetso ea abrasion, ho netefatsa hore filament extrusion e se na seam le e tsitsitseng.
    • O ka sebetsana ka boits'epo le likhoele tse thata tsa boenjineri joalo ka carbon faeba nylon le nylon ea fiber ea khalase habonolo, ho bula lefatše la menyetla ea merero ea hau ea khatiso ea 3D.

      The Hardened Steel Extruder Gear Assembly ke bokhoni ba eona bo ikhethang ba ho sebetsana le likhoele tse thata tsa boenjiniere tse kang PAHT-CF le PET-CF habonolo. Sena se bolela hore o ka khona ho sebetsana le merero e thata ea khatiso e hlokang matla le mamello e phahameng. Hore na o etsa li-prototype tse sebetsang, likarolo tsa mochini, kapa meralo e rarahaneng, kopano ea rona ea lisebelisoa e u fa matla a ho fihlela liphetho tse ikhethang ka mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea likhoele tse tsoetseng pele.

      Boenjineri bo nepahetseng ba Hardened Steel Extruder Gear Assembly bo tiisa extrusion e tšepahalang le e tsitsitseng, e hlahisang litšoantšo tsa boleng bo holimo tse nang le lintlha tse hlakileng le tse nepahetseng. Re lumelisa pherekano ea lihatisi tse hlōlehileng le tlhahiso e sa tsitsang - kopano ea rona ea lisebelisoa e netefatsa hore karolo e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e behiloe ka nepo, e lebisang ho lihlahisoa tse phethahetseng tse fihlelang litlhoko tsa hau hantle.


      Kopano ea lisebelisoa tsa tšepe e thata ea extruder ke karolo e ka hare ea yuniti e thata ea tšepe ea extruder. E na le lisebelisoa tse khannoang le lisebelisoa tse sebetsang tse sebetsang hammoho ho fepa filament ka har'a hotend.

      E hahiloe ka thepa e boima, lisebelisoa tse thata tse entsoeng ka tšepe li na le bokhoni bo betere ba ho hatisa ka likhoele tse thata tsa boenjiniere tse kang PAHT-CF le PET-CF bakeng sa ts'ebetso e tšoarellang nako e telele. Haeba abrasion kapa clogging e etsahala ka lebaka la tšebeliso e telele, basebelisi ba ka nka sebaka sa kopano ea lisebelisoa tsa extruder ho fapana le yuniti eohle ea extruder.

      * The P1 Series Extruder Unit e tla le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tse sa hloekang. Basebedisi ba ka e ntlafatsa ho lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tse thata tse entsoeng ka tšepe bakeng sa khanyetso e ntle ea abrasion ho li-filaments tsa boenjiniere

      Ka Lebokoseng
      - Kopano ea Gear ea Steel Extruder e thata e thata

      Ho lumellana
      X1 Series, P1 Series

      Bambu Lab Complete Hotend Assembly ke tlhōrō ea ho nepahala le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha likhatiso tsa X1 Series 3D. Ka mefuta e mengata ea bophara ba li-nozzle ho tloha ho 0.2mm ho isa ho 0.8mm, kopano ena e tloaelehileng e fana ka litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa khatiso, ho tloha ho lintlha tse rarahaneng ho isa ho prototyping e potlakileng. Nozzle ea 0.2mm e loketse ho finyella lintlha tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa, ha li-nozzles tse kholoanyane tsa 0.6mm le 0.8mm li nolofalletsa ho hatisa ka potlako, ho etsa hore e tšoanele batho ba ratang ho itlosa bolutu le litsebi.



      • Lisebelisoa:Plastiki, tšepe
        Tšebelisano:X1 letoto, P1 letoto
        Lebitso:Bamboo Lab

      • Boima ba Pakete:50g
        Boholo ba Pakete:60*60*30 limilimithara
        Bophara ba Filament bo tšehelitsoeng: 1.75mm

      Bambu Lab Complete Hotend Assembly ke tlhōrō ea ho nepahala le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha likhatiso tsa X1 Series 3D. Ka mefuta e mengata ea bophara ba li-nozzle ho tloha ho 0.2mm ho isa ho 0.8mm, kopano ena e tloaelehileng e fana ka litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa khatiso, ho tloha ho lintlha tse rarahaneng ho isa ho prototyping e potlakileng. Nozzle ea 0.2mm e loketse ho finyella lintlha tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa, ha li-nozzles tse kholoanyane tsa 0.6mm le 0.8mm li nolofalletsa ho hatisa ka potlako, ho etsa hore e tšoanele batho ba ratang ho itlosa bolutu le litsebi.



      Ho bonolo ho sebetsana le likhoele tse thata tsa boenjineri joalo ka nylon ea khabone le fiber nylon ha bonolo, ho bula lefatše la menyetla ea merero ea hau ea khatiso ea 3D.

      Bambu Lab Complete Hotend Assembly ke tlhōrō ea ho nepahala le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha likhatiso tsa X1 Series 3D. Ka mefuta e mengata ea bophara ba li-nozzle ho tloha ho 0.2mm ho isa ho 0.8mm, kopano ena e tloaelehileng e fana ka litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa khatiso, ho tloha ho lintlha tse rarahaneng ho isa ho prototyping e potlakileng. Nozzle ea 0.2mm e loketse ho finyella lintlha tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa, ha li-nozzles tse kholoanyane tsa 0.6mm le 0.8mm li nolofalletsa ho hatisa ka potlako, ho etsa hore e tšoanele batho ba ratang ho itlosa bolutu le litsebi.



      Extruder3nl ea tšepe e thataExtruder ea tšepe e thata-2rd9Extruder ea tšepe e thata-3g3h

      Bambu Lab Complete Hotend Assembly ke tlhōrō ea ho nepahala le ho feto-fetoha ha maemo, e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha likhatiso tsa X1 Series 3D. Ka mefuta e mengata ea bophara ba li-nozzle ho tloha ho 0.2mm ho isa ho 0.8mm, kopano ena e tloaelehileng e fana ka litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa khatiso, ho tloha ho lintlha tse rarahaneng ho isa ho prototyping e potlakileng. Nozzle ea 0.2mm e loketse ho finyella lintlha tse phahameng ka ho fetisisa, ha li-nozzles tse kholoanyane tsa 0.6mm le 0.8mm li nolofalletsa ho hatisa ka potlako, ho etsa hore e tšoanele batho ba ratang ho itlosa bolutu le litsebi.



      Na li-P1 li tla le likere tse thata tse tsoang ka tšepe?
      P1 Series Extruder Unit e tla le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tse sa hloekang. Basebedisi ba ka e ntlafatsa ho lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tse thata tse entsoeng ka tšepe bakeng sa khanyetso e ntle ea abrasion ho li-filaments tsa boenjiniere

      Na tšepe e thata e tšoana le tšepe e sa hloekang?
      Tšepe e thata e na le boima bo phahameng le matla a thata ho feta tšepe e tloaelehileng ka lebaka la ts'ebetso ea kalafo ea mocheso. Monyetla o ka sehloohong oa Stainless Steel holim'a Hardened Steel ke khanyetso ea eona ea kutu. Haholo-holo hobane Tšepe e Haretsoeng e tloaetse ho petsoha.
      Bambu Hardened Steel Extruder Unit e tsamaisana le lihatisi life?

      E lumellana le letoto la P1 le X1 Series.